Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pfft.. Its been one friggin' boring day for me. I woke up early about ten today disturbed by the sounds of tv cus my sister was getting ready to college and she HAS to watch the tv first.
Waited for her to prepare herself so I sat in front of the tv watching and flicking the channels one by one until I stopped on Star Movies airing Ever After- a Cinderella story casting Drew Berrymore.. Such a happy ending started my day.
Got hungry during the movie so I grabbed the whole pack of low fat high fibre cereals. Ate it just like that as snacks cus I got lazy getting bowls and milk.
Started flicking the channels again until there are absolutely nothing that interest me so I decided to get back to sleep. But I could not sleep though. It was too bright, I had to use baybeh to cover my entire face.
Toss and turn on the bed and fell half asleep when I suddenly got hungry. I went for food hunting after that. I finally ate durians, ice-cream, instant noodle, 4 pieces of bread then I felt bloated. I ate while watching tv yet again. :) Such a lazy bum.
No more movies again, so went back to sleep. Slept halfway and all kinds of noises from my phone started annoying me, calls and text messages. Continued sleeping until my sis came back from class.
Waited for mom and dad to return home for dinner and made plans with Benji to go out cus I wanted to pass him some biscuits that he liked and my sis got extras.
Went to the beach for awhile to ease myself. To feel the breeze but there are only little. To look at people barbeque and having fun. I felt serenity with the silence and water washing to shore.
Made me think. Made me stop for just that particular moment.
Got home and logged on immediately.

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